"Almost anything you do will seem insignificant, but it is very important that you do it. You must be the change that you wish to see in the world." – Mahatma Gandhi |

Great Gifts. Great Cause. Our online store offers unique gifts from around the world. Batiks, leather and copper products, maasai beads, and wooden sculptures (ebony, jacaranda and rosewood), handmade in Africa. Bangles, anklets, bags and purses from the Guild of Service, handmde in India. And much more! Proceeds of all sales go toward maintaining GriefandRenewal.com and to helping widows in developing countries.
June 23, 2011 - First International Widows Day Celebrated at the United Nations
A WORD FROM Cherie Blair
President, The Loomba Foundation
An invisible humanitarian catastrophe, which condemns more than 750 million women and their children to poverty, degradation, slavery, and in many cases death, hides in the shadows of the world. There are no star-studded telethons to raise money and awareness on their behalf. There is no enforcement of local laws -- where they exist -- that defend their rights. Today we celebrate a signal event—the inaugural UN International Widows Day. Today we, the international community, stand up for this marginalised population.
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23 June 2011
This first International Widows' Day is an occasion to call attention to the many "firsts" that women must face when their husbands die. In addition to coping with grief, they may find themselves for the first time since marriage without any social safety net. Far too often, widows lack access to inheritance, land tenure, employment and even the means to survive.
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Comparing our lives as widows
Comparing our lives as widows in the United States with the lives of widows in developing countries
Dr. Laura Slap-Shelton's Camp Widow Global Widows Panel Presentation
Learn about the lives of widows in developing countries and conflict areas and how we can help!
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Book Time: A Random Collection from My Bookshelf
by Laura Slap-Shelton
Here are some of the books which I found inspiring, fascinating, helpful and consoling.
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Dr. Laura Slap-Shelton Publishes her Children's Book for Bereaved Children
Dr. Laura Slap-Shelton is thrilled to announce the publication of her newest book, Melissa's Magic Ride. Drawing from her personal and professional experience, Dr. Slap-Shelton created this appealing story for all children and in particular to helped bereaved children.
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Filling The Knowledge Gap: Widows In Armed Conflict Briefing Paper
by Widows For Peace Through Democracy
July 8 2009. Although widows make up a significant proportion of the female population in all societies, their numbers have risen to quite extraordinary and unprecedented levels in conflict-afflicted countries, although there are, as yet, no official statistics.
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International Conference on Widowhood: "Widows' Voices - Empowered"
by Women for Human Rights
September 2010. Widowhood is the most neglected of all gender and human rights issues among women's issues ... Widows tend to be invisible and their voices unheard at all levels.
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Laura Slap-Shelton, Psy.D.
Bridges for Integrated Health
3 Webhannet Place, Suite 2
Kennebunk, Maine 04043
207-229-4216 |