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Jason Program Conference on Pediatric Palliative Care
May 21-23, 2007
University of New England
Portland, Maine

The Jason Program is pleased to host, along with The University of New England, a 3-Day educational retreat on topics in pediatric palliative care. Created by the Initiative for Pediatric Palliative Care (IPPC), this retreat is designed for interdisciplinary teams of practitioners and bereaved family members from hospitals, hospice and home care organizations, neonatal units, community coalitions, and other groups serving children and families. Participants are given the opportunity to facilitate sessions from the IPPC curriculum in a train-the trainer format, while also learning from our outstanding national faculty. Faculty members are pediatric palliative care leaders specially trained in a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to professional education. Plenary sessions tailored to regional needs and issues afford participants the opportunity to network with colleagues in their region.

Details about this conference (PDF/Acrobat document)

For more information, contact Program Director, Kate Eastman, by telephone: (207) 773-2947, or fax: (207) 773-3617.