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grief & renewal in the news

  • Grief and Renewal.Com Article published on www.the-bright-side.org. 9-20-02
    "Finding Light in the Darkness: Grieving Through The Holidays" has been reprinted with permission on a website devoted to helping those with depression, The Bright Side. This article can be found in the Articles section of GriefandRenewal.Com as well. With the holidays fast approaching, many will face difficulties and renewed feelings of sadness. Finding Light in the Darkness: Grieving Through The Holidays provides some thoughts and ideas for coping through this difficult time.

  • Dr. V. Mohini Giri Presentation Sponsored by GriefanRenewal.Com
    Dr. V. Mohini Giri, founder of the Guild of Service, a group dedicated to helping abandoned widows in India, spoke to a group of approximately 50 participants on 2-27-02 in Kennebunk, Maine. Her talk, "The Plight of Women in Warring Countries, The Plight of Marginalized Women Everywhere," was well received, and substantial donations were made to the Guild of Service following her talk. Her talk was later broadcast on Maine Public Radio on the show Speaking in Maine. Audio tapes of her presentation are available through Maine Public Radio.

    In her talk Dr. Giri highlighted her early work with war widows which then expanded to helping all widows, her delegation to Pakistan and her meeting with the Prime Minister, and her work on providing alternatives to dowry marriages. Before coming to Kennebunk, she had been in Boston where she gave a talk to Indian engineering students at MIT and elicited their signed agreements not to return to India and engage in dowry marriages. Dowry marriages in which a woman is essentially sold to her husband and his family form part of the basis for the Indian widows lack of human rights, property and the ability to take care of herself and her children.

  • Renewing Your Spirits in Uncertain Times. 9-20-02
    Laura Slap-Shelton, Psy.D. shared information on grief and renewal with a talk given for the Southern Maine Medical Center on November 14, 2001. Her presentation was video taped and shown on a local public T.V. station. Slap-Shelton had contacted Southern Maine Medical Center and suggested that they put together a program for the public to help people cope with the trauma of 9-11 and the ongoing trauma of the anthrax threats which were occurring frequently at this time. Two other presentations by were made by physicians as a part of this series: Get the Facts: Anthrax, Smallpox and Bioterrorism, and Impact of Trauma on Children and Adolescents.

  • Carrying On After 'Dying Alive'. The Journal Tribune. February 15, 2002


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