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Children's Place

By Nick

Nana you were the closest grandmother to me.
I didn’t get to know you long.
It still hurts even now you are gone.

I will always remember you.
You will always live on.
At least in our hearts and minds.
But you still are here in some respect for ever and ever until we’re gone.

You weren’t very active.
But I still loved you.
Remember the Fryeburg fairs.
And all the stuff we used to do.
I do.

It’s hard to think of you and write it down but,
I miss you and so do Pa, Steve, and Dad.
Mom still cries about,
We are all so sad.

When you lose a life another comes in.
Beth just had a baby I know you’d be glad.
I know a couple people that wish you weren’t gone.
But we can stop what has gone wrong.

Nana your memories live on and on.
Even though you are gone.
I know I should have seen you more.
Believe me I tried.
I will never let go even if I try.

Nana we all love you so much.
We all go on but you’re always in our thoughts.
Even if we can’t see you.
Or say hello, even give you a hug.
We all miss you Nana.
Oh so much.

Goodbye Aunt Loie
By Jackie

You could say I'm lucky,
You could say I'm not,
You could say I'm happy,
You could say I'm not,
You could say my life is perfect,
but it's not.

You think you know me,
but you don't.
You try and pry,
but you can't.
You think your life is bad,
but it's not.

When you find out someone's dying,
someone you love,
you think how lucky that boy is,
or that girl is.

I was told she'd live,
I found out on the 10th.
I cried, I sat, I thought.
I thought about the bright side,
I thought about the bad.

But when she dies of cancer,
we all will be glad.
She's done her suffering,
she's done the pain.
Those long hard months,
We'll miss her dearly,
We know it's for the best.

I'm crying as I write this,
her first neice to know.
We knew all along,
it's time for her to go.

I'll miss her alot,
but I'll see her again.
She's with her mom and dad.
I'll still miss her though.

Empty Tank
By Melanie Shelton

The empty tank
Sits in my room
With no light above it
All alone
This time
Death came to me in the form of
A fish floating atop of a fish bowl.
When I saw him, my heart dropped
Like the falling
Which became part of the soil
Just like my fish.

Copyright Melanie Shelton April 30, 2003


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